If you’ve ever integrated new accounts via Integration Manager, you’ve probably found that the notification that prompts users that a Chart of Account segment does not exists and that prevents you being able to add accounts easily. The easiest and quickest solution for this problem is to quickly select ‘Yes, add segment’ and ‘Do not display this message again’. No harm no foul.
Step 1. Create database backup or table backup
– Select * into SY01401_backup_MMddYY from SY01401
Step 2. Run delete statement
– This delete statement removes the records that suppress the notification window from appearing
– Delete from (CompID}..SY01401 where coDefaultType = 13
– To filter for one specific user, add the filter “and UserID = {User}”
Step 3. Add a non-existent COA segment in GP & ensure the prompt window appears
Seems minor but notifications like these are valuable in ensuring account structures remain clean in consistent in an environment.
Simple solution to a simple problem? Let us know in the comments below.